Wow. I don't know how to express the joy and happiness I'm feeling right now. And, if I did, it would ruin the whole sarcastic theme of this website and we can't have that. Stay tuned for pictures and more pictures from this incredible event.
Simon & May's Procrastinatory Blog
These pages originally were supposed to chronicle in excruciating detail how our procrastination would lead to complete and utter disaster on our wedding day.
Now, in the wake our of glorious and mostly uneventful union, these pages live on to chronicle our continuing procrastinatory adventures.
Wow. I don't know how to express the joy and happiness I'm feeling right now. And, if I did, it would ruin the whole sarcastic theme of this website and we can't have that. Stay tuned for pictures and more pictures from this incredible event.
Shrimp! We're running out of time. Those of you waiting for us to lose it will be rewarded for your patience. In the meantime, here's some shrimp we had for dinner the other day. MMmmm. Shrimp.
I am certainly no podiatrist but I think that these shoes should be mandatory for the bridesmaids to help relieve stress on the big day.
Ok folks, we're really down to the wire. 23 days, 6 hours, 31 minutes and 44 seconds until Judgement Day. Some of you are feeling that slight twinge of panic right now. Admit it. To help ensure everyone's on schedule, here is your 3-week countdown checklist.
- Accommodations: I sure hope you got this figured out. Sorry, our couch is full.
- New Suit (guys): It might have been awhile since you last attending a wedding which wasn't held in a barn. Empty out that piggy bank and go get yourself some nice threads.
- Dress (girls): For almost everyone: We haven't attended the same wedding as you recently, which means YES, you can absolutely wear the same dress you've already worn 8 times this year. And we wouldn't even remember/care if we DID see you wear it before, either. I guess this applies to guys too, so go ahead and recycle.
- Wedding Gift: We have everything we need. There is no registry. Read between the lines. (This doesn't mean show up empty handed, cheap-ass.)
On the way to our wedding reception/banquet/excuse to show off in Ottawa, we stopped by the "Experimental Farm" for some pictures with flowers. The Half-cow/human hybrid had gone home for the day, so we couldn't get any pictures with it/him.
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